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Going to America in july 07

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becks89 | 13:19 Sun 21st Jan 2007 | Travel
7 Answers
Hi im going to California, America in July 07 for 4 weeks to stay with my girlfriend! I need to know whether i need a Visa to be able to enter the country?? Also while i am on the topic i was wondering if i could get some opinions on how much spending money i should take with me for my stay?? I want to take enough to feel comfortable but not too much so that it skints me when i come home!!! All answers are appreciated, Thanks!


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Depends on your nationality but if British you either need to have a visa or be eligible for a visa waiver. vwp.html

has details.
Figure on spending at least 50-60 US dollars a day. California is not cheap to live or vist. Your best bet, eat and shop where the locals do. Be careful and don't be a soft target for the "bad guys". Have fun and welcome!
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thank you for your answers these are a big help!
If you run out of money your cash card should work in most of the ATMs
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America is cheaper than Europe. If your accomodation is sorted out you could live on $5 a day. You could also make do on $200 a day, what are you a student or merchant banker? :-D

If you're a Brit, you can most probably enter on the Visa Waiver Scheme (no need to go to the embassy, just fill in the form they give you on the plane)
Question Author
thanks, Yes i am a student...and limited funds available!!

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Going to America in july 07

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