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Madrid - what mustn't I miss?

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mummytait | 23:11 Thu 01st Mar 2007 | Travel
4 Answers
And I'm on a bit of a budget


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Use the open top buses. Cheap and a great way to see the city. Have a great time.
Have a drink in the plaza mayor, but take your own and sit round the statue, rather than pay a shed load in a tourist restaurant around the outside.
Talk a walk in retiro park at the weekend, but bring your own crisps to feed the ducks and fish.
By a metrobus ticket (at about 5.7euros for 10 trips, including the airport) to get you around.
Do the open top bus, for sure!
Take the kids to the stadium, the palace and the shops.
Only do the galleries if you are genuinely interested in that sort of thing.
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Well I am a student of fine art so I guess you'd call that interested. Thanks for the ideas though guys, I'l def try the open top bus but as I going next week I'll get wrapped up. Further info definately welcome.
DO miss the underground - my partner had his wallet stolen - seems it is a common occurance

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Madrid - what mustn't I miss?

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