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electricals on airplanes

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veritymoon | 05:55 Fri 06th Apr 2007 | Travel
2 Answers
does anyone know the rules on ipods, nintendo ds and psp on planes can they be used? or does anyone know a good web site that might tell me


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yes,the website of the relevent airline that you are flying with.
Yes you can use most electrical items apart from phones whilst on board. The airlines like you to turn your mobile off before you board the plane and not to turn it back on until you get inside the terminal building after lanind at your destination - however I've seen a few people turn theirs on as soon as the plane lands and you get that annoying text to say welcome to France or wherever you are.

Airplane mode on some mobile phones is also not recognized by most airlines and they dont like you using that either.

Ipods and psps etc should be turned on - only when the seat belt lights go off after take off and again turned off when the seat belt lights come back on for descent - but this is always announced by a steward/ess.

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electricals on airplanes

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