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lynneylou | 14:22 Mon 21st May 2007 | Travel
2 Answers
we are thinking of locating (re) to australia and need sooo much info. how to go about the job hunting, what to do 1st also because we've never been, where should we look at moving to????

Would love to hear from australians and others who have relocated from uk. have a daughter of 13, will she like and adjust????

sooo many questions!!!!!


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This is an official Australia government site:

Also search in Google on "Emigrating to Ausralia", there are loads of sites.

I do think Australia requires people to have useful skills before they allow them into the country to live (unlike this country who lets anybody in).

You may need to have skills that they require, or they may say they do not want you.
I really think I would visit a country I was thinking of going to live in before making such a big commitment. We have visited about 6 times and love it but our friends went once and never want to go again so it is horses for courses.

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