Dual nationality/Irish passport in The AnswerBank: Travel
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Dual nationality/Irish passport

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SurreyGuy | 15:07 Sat 26th May 2007 | Travel
9 Answers
I've just found out that I have dual nationality and that I can apply for an Irish passport.

What are the pros and cons of having an Irish passport/dual nationality with regards to :

a) travel?

b) future employment?

c) anything else?

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Your dual nationality means that, if you were to get into difficulties while abroad (such as being mugged or getting arrested), you would be able to call upon the services of the embassies or consulates of both the UK and the Republic of Ireland.

However, the Irish embassy can't assist you in the UK and the British embassy won't help you in Ireland.

Both of those statements apply irrespective of whether you hold a British and/or Irish passport.

There would be little value in acquiring an Irish passport unless you wished to visit a country which refuses to admit (or places restrictions upon) British citizens. A few people (such as journalists working in parts of the world where strong anti-British feelings exist) might benefit from having a second passport but the average tourist would gain nothing.

As any EU citizen has the right to live and work in any EU state (with certain exceptions which don't apply to you), there would seem to be little point in getting an Irish passport for employment purposes.

Pros - there are a few more countries that you can travel to without a visa. Off hand I don't know which they are

I believe it's a little easier to get a US working visa (eligible for green card lottery??)

Cons - none, apart from having to pay for the thing.
Hi im wondering if it may be of use in terms of your domocile(spelling may be incorrect) ie where you are classed as being from in origin and could mean that you benefit from Irish taxation and not UK taxation, may be worth looking into?
Unfortunately domicile is where you live, not where you are from, so no tax advantages.
Question Author
Thanks folks.

My main concern pertianing to employment was whether companies would see me having Irish nationality as a security threat due to the IRA, etc being from Ireland. It's not MY view of Ireland, but I have encountered that sort of ignorance in the past - especially during my childhood and when applying for my apprenticeship (at an MOD facility).
Remember you have Irish nationality whether or not you have an Irish passport - it's a fact of birth.
So it <shouldn't> make any difference to employment prospects, other than favourable in a few circumstances.
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Thanks dzug, but as I said, it DID affect my security clearance (which I EVENTUALLY got!) for my apprenticeship.
When I went travelling it was amazing to see how visa's varied in terms of cost and duration, depending on what passport you held, ie we didn't need visa's to visit any South American country, but Australians need visa's for most and had to pay �60. I imagine that you would get some benefits along these line, whether they are useful is a different matter.

I was of the understanding, that if you are entitled to hold multiple passports, then you're better off getting hold of them than not getting hold of them.
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OK, thanks

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