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Hughes 66 | 17:12 Mon 04th Jun 2007 | Travel
5 Answers
Are Ryanair .com having problems with web site or is it me.I cant get them on line.


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I've just accessed their home page and used the flight search with no problems. Perhaps it was just a short-term glitch on their server?

yep working fine for me too.
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Hi Thanks for your reply.I have now tried on both my old Laptop & new one ,both refuse to fire up on use a separate different virus/firewall on each comp so something is not right.all other web sites seem OK.What now?
It could be a fault with the domain name server used by your ISP. Try entering the address of the Ryanair website as '', instead of as ''.

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2300 hrs Mon.All back on and working.Sombody at Ryan air must be taking notice!Thanks for assistance.

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