looks like avoiding Thomas Cook AT ALL COSTS HAS PAID OFF, anyone with a suitable youtube link can put it on my thread i am not averse to abit of youtube
shurrup stevie, they have my home number, my mobile, my works number, my email addy, my daughters home number , her works number, her mobile number, her email addy, yikes, based on the performance of Thomas Cook, should i be worried?
Oh well happy slapping then dot .
Jesus christ will yo stop slagging the holidays companieys of and go away and have a good holiday
please and you can tell us all your happy mems of your holiiday from hell
All my love knobby,
Just get on with it and enjoy it dot...
errrrrrrrrr, not neaded sleepy, i will be in turkey, you're all part time abers and don;t seem to be up to speed on what went on with the holiday i was meant to be on 4 weeks ago except thomas cook double booked the room, so forget it and move on eh