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American Girls update.

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Shadow Man | 14:26 Thu 02nd Aug 2007 | Travel
27 Answers
Following on from my American Birds post and what to do this Christmas, I have booked return flights to New York this coming Christmas holiday.

I have a whole month to tour the US of A. I have no friends or family out there and have not booked any accomodation, so I can pretty much do what I want. I have never been there as a tourist, so EVERYWHERE will be an adventure.

I may hire a car or get further internal flights. I may even take a train like "Silver Streak".

The things I must do whilst in New York are:

Lay some flowers at Ground Zero
Eat a hotdog with all the trimmings in Central Park
Walk up the Statue of Liberty
Eat at a Taco Bell
Go up the Empire States Building

Any further ideas or dos and don'ts will be greatly apprecaited.

Also, I may not have time to go everywhere but what is worth travelling to:

San Francisco (and Alcatraz)
Grand Canyon
Great Lakes

Also, apart from New York, where do the Sarah Silverman lookalike Jewish women live?


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Ummm.. Wendy's here in the U.S. is a fast food chain... not bad food but why waste your time on pretty much what I'm sure you can buy in the U.K. check out the unique diners that are really popular with the locals. There'll be one in almost every town, such as this one in Brooklyn, NY: ting_type=nyml_venue_restaurant&listing_id=946 1

Here's a more generalized guide for the U.S., State by State:

Some good, dependable chains are International House of Pancakes (lots more than just pancakes, generally known as IHOP), Perkins Restaurants and Cracker Barrell... good food but more commonly found in the South, always found near Interstate Highways...

If you're flying into NY, the suggestion about Washington, DC is excellent. That'll take you at least 3 or 4 days to do it justice. See here: . though we all have our favorites... don't miss the National Aerospace Museum which will also include the Smithsonian... ( )

At any rate, welcome to the U.S.! (Come on out West if you have the chance)

Ummm.. Wendy's here in the U.S. is a fast food chain... not bad food but why waste your time on pretty much what I'm sure you can buy in the U.K. check out the unique diners that are really popular with the locals. There'll be one in almost every town, such as this one in Brooklyn, NY: ting_type=nyml_venue_restaurant&listing_id=946 1

Here's a more generalized guide for the U.S., State by State:

Some good, dependable chains are International House of Pancakes (lots more than just pancakes, generally known as IHOP), Perkins Restaurants and Cracker Barrell... good food but more commonly found in the South, always found near Interstate Highways...

If you're flying into NY, the suggestion about Washington, DC is excellent. That'll take you at least 3 or 4 days to do it justice. See here: . Though we all have our favorites... don't miss the National Aerospace Museum which will also include the Smithsonian... ( )

At any rate, welcome to the U.S.! (Come on out West if you have the chance)
Hmmm... gremlins are running loose today... don't know why it posted twice...
By the way, you Brits have invaded Greenwich, NY and, as luck would have it, you're more likely than not to find fine women of the Hebrew persuasion there... Check here for British restaurants that have taken over an area of the Village... .php?c_id=7&cname=British&method=%25&area=%25& neighborhood=%25&nname=

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Very informative clanad, I bow to your Americaness.
It's cold then. Watch out for snowstorms if you are driving in the north. The Grand Canyon now has a huge ledge to walk out on, made of some thick kind of glass.

CALIFORNIA. San Fran is great, LA is OK. The drive on Hwy 1 between them is magnificent but if you go SF to LA you might fall off the cliffs! Beware! Safer LA to SF, hugging the mountains. Stop at Carmel, Monterey and Hearst Estate, but it ain't gonna be warm.

Boston is a bit boring, depends what you're looking for. San Antonio is supposed to be the best city. The USA is a big place! Also, there is a lot of nothing in some places.
Don't bother with Taco Bell! Only use McDonalds for the washrooms. Hollywood is just a big sign, unless you tour the stars' homes. There are a lot of Great Lakes, some of them are in Canada, you know!!!!!!! They are GREAT, as in BIG. Just water.

Miami has a big Cuban population and good salsa/Spanish/Cubano music. It's in Florida. Lots of things in FL. Lots of Canadians at that time, and old people.

You could easily spend a month in New York.

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