Vodafone PAYG customers
don't pay to receive texts while abroad. Outgoing texts cost 49p from anywhere in the world.
In Europe, making a call will cost you 38p per minute (unless you use Vodafone Passport - see below). Incoming calls are charged at 19p per minute.
In North America (excluding Mexico), outgoing calls cost either 125p or 149p per minute, depending on which network you're connected through. Incoming calls cost 99p per minute.
In Australia, NZ, South Africa, Singapore, Taiwan & Thailand, outgoing calls cost either 79p or 99p per minute (depending upon the network). Incoming calls cost 75p per minute.
Anywhere else, outgoing calls cost either 149p or 169p per minute. Incoming calls cost 125p per minute.
'Vodafone Passport' is available in most European countries. With this option, outgoing calls are charged at your normal rates, plus a fee of 75p to make the connection:
http://www.abroad.vodafone.co.uk/index.cfm?do= cost.passport&me=a1&nu=1&le=1&sn=s7