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Argentina-Buenos Aires

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snail | 16:43 Sun 02nd Sep 2007 | Travel
4 Answers
Hi Folk
Sometime late Oct or early Nov I will be spending a couple of days in Buenos Aires. Is there a reasonably priced hotel (not to expenceive!) located close to the city centre that is in an interesting and safe area that anyone can recommend?
Many thanks.


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Maybe you can find a free place to stay here:

The old lady in Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA
We have been to Buenos Aires twice. The first time, we stayed in the Crillon: 1-d306767-Reviews-Crillon_Hotel-Buenos_Aires_C apital_Federal_District.html

In spite of the negative reviews we were quite happy with it. If you do your research of the different districts of Bs As, you will find that it is well placed for the shops etc. We found the staff helpful and there was free Internet access. There are lots of Internet "shops" in Bs As and they are VERY cheap.

The second time, the tour operator no longer offered the Crillon and put us in the Waldorf: 1-d455745-Reviews-Waldorf_Hotel-Buenos_Aires_C apital_Federal_District.html

Although not far from the "action", the imediate area wasn't so nice.

We also stayed at the Tres Reyes for one night because of a diverted flight. This is definately too far from the shops.

If you want a dinner and tango show we can't rate El Querandi highly enough:
San Telmo is an interesting area...lots of antique shops and a great antiques market.
Also a lot of old traditional Tango bars/halls.
Great restaurants, funky bars.
Cheap accommodation!
Here is a lot of information about Buenos Aires:

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Argentina-Buenos Aires

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