OJ, I don't think Chris was challenging you. I think there have been so many changes at the passport office lately, that it's becoming difficult to keep up with.
I was surprised (and saddened) to learn when my passport, that had still a full 5 years remaining, was so full and dog-eared that I had to get it replaced.
The passport office, very kindly phoned me to say I would no longer be receiving my old passport back. Because of they myriad of stamps I had in the passport, particularly the ones on September 11th I was so deeply saddened that what they had printed on paper, saying I would receive the old one back, would no longer happen. I remember the lady lamenting that even the staff couldn't keep up with the changes right now.
Leave it to our government to keep all of us in the dark! :-)
The scallywags!
Be well!
Fr Bill