Make sure you don't make any mistakes on the form though - the US officials are power crazed and delight in sending you to the back of the line [queue] to complete another one!
And here are some more:
TIA - Thanks in Advance
IMO- In My Opinion
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion
OP - Original Poster [the person who asked the question in the first place]
ROFLMAO - Rolling on the Floor Laughing my A** Off
Yes, you'll get a green form to fill in on the plane, make sure you have the details of where you'll be staying (address, zip code etc) as these are essential on the form!
My son flew to New York yesterday from heathrow with Virgin and they gave him a green form and a blue form to fill in at the checking in desk, to be filled in on the plane. You must have the place you are staying at written on the form. Passport number plus questions to tick yes or no to.
And by 'normal', that means biometric now. Non-biometric passports require a visa
Not true - depends on when the passport was issued.
Only NEW passports issued after 26 October 2006 need to be fully biometric. Issued in the year before that they just need a biometric (ie digital) photograph. Before that - machime readable.
It's the date the passport the passport was issued that matters - not the date of the visit.