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money for egypt

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rosebud3699 | 20:17 Tue 31st Aug 2004 | Travel
3 Answers
how much money do we take for a two week holiday to egypt


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It really is impossible to answer this question with so little information. Where are you staying; are you planning to travel round the country and/or take a Nile cruise; do you like expensive meals; etc, etc? Better than asking on this site, would be to consult a good, up-to-date guide book - eg Lonely Planet - which will provide details of costs.
Question Author
we are doing a week cruising and a week in a hotel in luxor there are going to be 4 of us are we limited to the amount of money we can take
Well, it still depends on what's included in your package - assuming it is a package holiday - in terms of meals, sight-seeing etc; but I would say the equivalent of �20 per day per person should cover it comfortably. See the following website for more info htm
(There are about 10 Egyption pounds to one GB pound.)

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