The UAE is not really one country but seven separate Arab states that joined together (at the suggestion of the British) to get the benefits of being one country.
The most famous is probably Dubai but Abu Dhabi is well known, I have only been to Dubai.
Because the area is mostly desert Dubai for example is really just a city on the coast and the city tends to just end, and is then surrounded by dessert.
Not sure if the others are the same, but if so it could make a great difference which of the seven states you plan to live in.
I am not sure how easy it is to get from one of the states to the other, so you may be "land locked" inside the state where you live.
Dubai of course (who are running out of oil) have made huge attempts to attract both tourists and business there, so there is a huge building program going on, and they are very open to people from the west (even though it is a Muslim country)
Here is a picture of Dubai 7/07/dubai.jpg