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how dangerous is the world?

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beastmonkey | 14:45 Tue 09th Sep 2008 | Travel
5 Answers
We often see on the news about certain countries being dangerous, i just wondered what people think?

i myself am well travelled and i would say there are many places around the world (developed and developing)that i feel safer in than say in London.

Anyone else got any thoughts on this?


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well i just thought it would pass the time to hear others thoughts, whilst i was somewhat bored.

I'm sorry you felt the question was so stupid, that not only were you compelled to point this out, you then had to post a second response.

Don't let him rile you.

I've never felt unsafe in London, even in some of the dodgy areas.
The 3 countries I have felt very, very unsafe in were Nigeria, Haiti and Papua New Guinea.
The only time I have been a victim of crime funnily enough was in my home town.
I'm well-travelled too, beastmonkey, and I feel the same as you. I don't like London these days - and I'd much rather be in a luxury villa in Antigua than a bedsit in Moss Side.

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how dangerous is the world?

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