Hi Roomster
Have spoken to neighbour who said officially blood tests are required but they can be waivered and quite often are. It does depend on the area and he doesn't really know about Olu Deniz.
Nanny asked if you had booked this as a wedding package as often the operators will come up with a deal with a private clinic for blood tests and get a commission for sending people there. I assumed that as you said you have a round 8 hour trip to sort the documents out you were doing it yourselves?Again she said that lots of foreign nationals marrying do not have blood tests but if you have to have one advised going to the State Hospital (as the guidelines suggest but use a private clinic) sometimes when you take the marriage documents to be registered they will tell you where to go.
I'm guessing maybe your little one won't have Hep A as Nanny said her grandson who's nearly 2 hasn't been vacinated against it and he;s back and forward to Turkey 4 to 6 times a year. he's only had the injections here.
Where did you get all your info about cost of docs etc from? Nanny suggested you can check the Turkish consulate's website or uptodate info or you can ring or email them -
[email protected] (if you hadn't already done so)
On a lighter side only people who have a sufficient mental capacity to make fair judgments are allowed to marry. She did say that if either of you suffer from epilepsy you should not disclose it as Turkish law forbids people with this condition to marry.
Hope all goes well.