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Child passport renewal

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tigwig | 19:58 Wed 08th Apr 2009 | Travel
6 Answers
My daughter's passport expires in August this year. We are going to Lanzarote in June. Will she need it renewing before we go?


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'fraid so advice is 6 months left on a passport i think minimum of 2 so better safe than sorry
Assuming that your daughter holds a British (or other EU) passport, you'll have no problems. The Canary Islands are Spanish territory, and thus part of the EU (even though they have special tax status, which means they count as 'non-EU' when bringing back tobacco, booze and souvenirs).

All EU member states are obliged to admit anyone who can prove their citizenship (with a valid passport or national ID card). Immigration officials, throughout the EU, must accept your daughter's passport, right up to the last second of the day on which it expires.

However, if your daughter's passport is renewed now, any unexpired time will be added to the validity of her new passport.

Tigwig, I've just renewed mine using the Post Office Service and it was issued in 8days. Speedy or what !!
It maybe a slack time of year though
Not if you are back before it expires
SFieldy is incorrect - quoting the 6-month urban myth that seems to perpetuate itself via this site. Please do not reply if you do not know the correct answer.
The passport just has to be valid. So you are fine.
i can beat that rosetta. I didnt use check and send or fast track. sent off for my renewal and kids first passports on the monday before last and they were all received on the friday of same week!

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Child passport renewal

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