I\'m almost 6 months pregnant by a married man and I\'m also married:-(! in The AnswerBank: Pregnancy
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I\'m almost 6 months pregnant by a married man and I\'m also married:-(!

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Jackie4286 | 07:11 Tue 29th Sep 2009 | Pregnancy
7 Answers
I\'m married my husband and I haven\'t had a good relationship for about 1yr 1/2.he\'s cheated with more then one female and we seperated then got back together cause he wanted to try it for our daughter. He hasn\'t changed he\'s mean,rude,and always on a negative note. While seperated my ex got in contact with me first I didn\'t want to a relationship with him because I knew he was living with his wife and I didn\'t want to be the middle person with time I fell back into him. he never lied to me about living wIth his wife or anything like that basically we went into this relationship knowing it wasn\'t going to be nothing but a prohibited relationship due to the fact that we are both married to other people so anyhow I\'m now pregnant by him but I rarely talk to him because he does live with his wife I don\'t see him much either should I keep in touch with him for when the baby is here he become responsible and becomes a father to her or should I just completly forget about him and move on?...(sometimes i feel like he could at least call or text me just to see how I\'m doing and since he doesn\'t only rarely I feel like he ain\'t worth my time but when he sees me he sees me with love and I could tell he wants to be there for me but his obligation with his wife prohibits him to be a man to me...I say this because I know him and ever since I got pregnant I only talk to him as friends and nothing else we don\'t kiss have sex or anything like that)...please just give me advice all I want to be is a great mother and make the right choice!
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you dont say if you are back with your husband and if he is aware that the baby isnt his.
All you can do is whats in the best interests for your children. The babies father has obviously made the decision to be with his wife and not you but he may decide that he wants to be part of his childs life. If so then you should allow him to be.

As for your husband, i think that you need to address that relationship as a whole seperate issue. A cheater who is mean and rude, and you get back with him even though you are expecting another mans child?
You are another man's, mistress, or have been until recently and you have become pregnant by him.

These are the facts.

You must decide whether or not to have a abortion or go through with your pregnancy.

Advice........?......you and you alone can make that decision.
You can be a good mother starting right now by taking care of yourself and your baby.

Do not stress yourself during your pregnancy, your baby is the most important thing for now. Sort out the rest after, when you have the ability to do so.
Sqad...she's 6 months pregnant...
max...wooops sorry, so she is.....well that let'e abortion out then.
judging by the post adoption sounds good.........
"got back together cause he wanted to try it for our daughter."

ah so you need to think whats best for BOTH children

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I\'m almost 6 months pregnant by a married man and I\'m also married:-(!

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