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Tizzi24 | 19:22 Thu 15th Jul 2010 | Travel
11 Answers
I am going to Scotland on holiday next month, travelling up the west coast, across the top to John O'Groats, down the east coast and then through North Yorkshire to home in Manchester.

Can fellow A/Bers recommend any sights I mustn't miss, or any reasonable B&B's? Thank you all.


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> I am going to Scotland on holiday next month

Lucky you! If you're especially lucky you'll get to see the Northern lights, though they usually appear a bit later in the year. The further North you go, the more chance you have. Make sure you drive round Dunnett Head so that you can tell your friends that you've been to the most northerly point on the British mainland...
i sometimes go to Clachtoll on the west coast in Sutherland, really nice up there, Smoo cave at Durness is pretty cool too
It depends if they are still here, or whether they have emigrated, they apparently ususually fly in mid-August - but if they are still in Scotland, go to see the ospreys - Loch of the Lowes or Boat of Garten.
If you get a chance go to see Stirling Castle as I think personnally that it is better than Edinburgh. don't think you will see the northern lights, far too early in the year, remember it stays lighter longer up here in Scotland, you also need the cold weather in the arctic circle to create them, but they are worth seeing, I agree about the opreys, but Kingussie wildlife park is also worth a visit, loved it as a child and they have introduced so much more wildlife there. A lot of Scotland's tourist attraction is just the scenery alone some of it is breath taking, and I am from here and still get blown away by the scenery and the lighting at certain times of the year.
The scenery is all good up the west coast, if you get a chance, go over to Skye also Applecross is lovely and a nice drink in the Ferryboat in in Ullapool would be good - think they do accommodation as well. A drive past the 5 sisters of Kintail would be lovely. The Highland Folk museum south of Aviemore is a good visit as is the Fenicular railway. The cable cars at Fort William will give you good views but I don't recommend eating at the cafe at the top! some good mountains and dramatic scenery up by Stac Pollaidh.

this website might be useful:

Hi Tizzi24, when you come up bring your wellies, and midge spray cos it's been raining for weeks and set to continue.
Hi haysi- don't know what that is all about - need to restart the building on my ark! Came back from Turkey last Friday and it hasn't stopped raining since!
Go to Applecross via the mountain road, single track road and hairpin bends but spectacular, not to be missed and at Applecross visit the Inn for excellent food and drink. On the way out, follow the coast road through Glen Torridon to Gairloch and Ullapool. I live in Gairloch and it's true about the rain and midgies! Past Ullapool visit the Summer Isles then Lochinver and along the coast road past Scourie, the scenery is superb. Don't go to John O'Groats, it's tackier than Blackpool. Along the top, visit Strathy Point, Dunnet Head for the puffins and Castle of Mey where the Queen Mother lived. On the east, go to Chanonry Point at Fortrose to see the dolphins come in with the tide.
This is only a small sample of what Scotland has to offer. At the places you stay, ask the locals, they know all the best places to visit.
Hope this helps.
definately second that about applecross, although watch out for the sheep on the road. The inn there does the most glorious prawn cocktail
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Thank you all so much for your answers - I was wondering if I would be able to see the northern lights (this has long been an ambition of mine). If I don't it'll be a good excuse to return!
Remember that when you are that far North, it wont get dark til really late, so the chance of seeing the Northern lights are really reduced. But you just never know! I remember in in Inverness in July and walking about in twilight even after cashing up in the bar.

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