The nearest airport is Robin Hood Airport (33 miles away), which serves Doncaster and Sheffield. However whether or not it is convenient for you would depend upon where you were travelling from. The only UK airports served from Robin Hood are Belfast and Jersey. (Yes, I know that Jersey isn't actually in the UK. I'm bending my definitions slightly!). For those flights check the FlyBe website.
If you're travelling from another country, select the relevant country here to see if there are suitable flights:
Leeds/Bradford Airport is 38 miles away. A list of airports with direct services to Leeds/Bradford is here:
Manchester Airport is 40 miles away. Use the 'Filter by Country' option, at the top of the map here to see which airports have direct flights to Manchester:
Whichever airport you landed at, the final stage of your journey would be a No 29 bus from Sheffield:
Getting from Robin Hood Airport to Sheffield involves taking a No 91 bus to central Doncaster and then a bus or train to Sheffield Interchange. Fr