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o2 arena

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scrappy123 | 19:01 Wed 16th Mar 2011 | Travel
8 Answers
going to o2 arena is there a bus that goes from victoria bus station or marble arch you can get to greenwich? do not want to use the underground!


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Take service 211 to Waterloo Station
and then service 188 to North Greenwich:

if you're starting from Marble Arch, take an 8, 25 or 55 to Southampton Row (Holborn) and pick up the 188 from there.
And take a good book. Unless your travelling at night or on Sunday afternoon it will take a long time.

Tube would be much faster
you can also go by water

Going by bus is going to take you quite a while. (That's why the underground was invented.)
As Dave suggests, allow plenty of time. (You might do it in 1 ¼ hours but I'd want to allow at least 1½ hours).
Jno good call - Scrappy what time of day you going?
If you fancy the river route, as suggested by Jno, take a No 11 bus (from Victoria Coach Station) to Charing Cross Station. Walk down the left side of the station, to Embankment Pier.

From Marble Arch, take a 6, 13, 15, 23 or 139 to Charing Cross Station.
PS: I note that your question refers to 'Victoria bus station'. If you're going to be seeking directions, it might help to know that Victoria Bus Station is NOT the same place as Victoria Coach Station. (Victoria Bus Station is immediately in front of Victoria Rail Station. Victoria Coach Station is a 5 minute walk away).

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