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Have Phonecard Will Travel

16:36 Mon 24th May 2010 |

When away on holiday we sometimes find we need access to a phone, perhaps for an emergency. However, some people feel that taking their mobile phone away with them can be a hassle and a risk. A relatively inexpensive alternative would be to take a phonecard instead.

Although avoiding taking a mobile on holiday may not be advised for security reasons, this does not mean one has to be used for outgoing calls. Often roaming charges in foreign lands can be high, leaving a holidaymaker facing a large bill when they return from their fun in the sun. Even the cost of texting may be increased when doing so overseas.

Purchasing a phonecard could be one way of avoiding these levies. Typically, they are bought from airports, supermarkets and newsagents for use in phoneboxes. Although it is possible now to buy them online and a simple internet search will reveal many reputable suppliers. Usually you will be asked which country you are visiting and then you will be shown what denominations are available for that country.

Unless you are the type of person who tracks business or family affairs at home closely on vacation, it is not likely you will need to make many calls when you are away.

A phonecard allows the user to have short conversations when they need to at rates that do not burn too much of a hole in the pocket.

Some booths may be fitted with internet and text messaging capabilities too – which could be another area of a bill that could be shaved.

Although some may see this as something of an old-fashioned inconvenience, it could allow them to spend their money on the finer things on a holiday – or even when they get home.

If you want to know more about holidays why not ask AnswerBank Travel.

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