Food & Drink3 mins ago
Winter Olympics Inspires Skiers
The Winter Olympics occurs every four years and the sporting event is inspiring skiers across the country to don their thermals and head for the slopes. The games are awaited with great anticipation by many even those of us who do not indulge in any winter sports ourselves.
The games brings the nation together behind the UK team and often families who rarely spend time in the same room can be found all glued to the same TV set cheering on our sports men and women.
For those who are keen skiers many great holidays can be found. Many resorts now offer all year glacier skiing so the opportunity to hit the slopes is ever increasing.
With a million Brits heading off to snowy climes, a major holiday insurer is warning tourists that one in ten will probably suffer an injury whilst out skiing, and that women and children fall prey to a higher number of injuries than men.
A major insurance firm said that despite the reassurance of the new European Health Insurance Card, travel insurance was still required in European countries not covered by the scheme and for other services.
For instance, someone who suffers a break on the slopes will require airlifting home – without travel insurance costs can easily spiral to five figures. In addition, the EHIC card does not cover theft, loss, or damage to property and equipment for example.
As with holiday deals, looking on the internet is one of the best ways to investigate travel insurance. There are many providers and many websites now offer comparisons. It is best to make sure you check the small print. Make sure that all the activities you have planned are covered by your policy. It is also wise to check any excess that might be applicable to any equipment claims. It can be a shock to discover that the cost of your new snowboard or skis after an accident will not be paid by the insurance company.
If you would like to know more about skiing holidays why not ask AnswerBank Travel.