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I would like to check the weather night and Day temperatures for my postcode HD6 3DN Brighouse West Yorkshire from December 15th 2009 until January 2nd 2010

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lakalu | 21:19 Sat 02nd Jan 2010 | Weather
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Since there's not a weather station in every street, you can't guarantee that any weather data will be entirely accurate. (e.g. either your house or the nearest weather station might lie in a frost pocket, so the figures from the weather station might not exactly match conditions at your house).

The nearest weather station to Brighouse is at Emley Moor. Their observations for the past week are here:

For earlier weather conditions you might need to contact the Met Office:
(Local newspapers often include observations from the nearest weather station, so you could try your local library. The only problem is that there will probably have been some gaps in publication over the Christmas period).

Go to the following web site and enter your Post Code.
Sorry, Just realised that you wish to look at PAST weather and not FUTURE weather.

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I would like to check the weather night and Day temperatures for my postcode HD6 3DN Brighouse West Yorkshire from December 15th 2009 until January 2nd 2010

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