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quite dull here

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slinky.kate | 08:35 Sat 18th Sep 2010 | Weather
9 Answers
doesnt look to promising although its a bit brighter than an hour ago,according to weather forecast we have rain in glasgow later,think winter will be setting in soon.


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The sun is out here...
Question Author
do you think its getting a lot colder at night,have you got your heating on yet?
It's getting colder. He shut the windows last night for the first time since spring. No heating yet. I can't see me putting it on for a while. Just wear a jumper and socks :-)

(with PJ bottoms)
Question Author
i dont like being to hot but i have turned the settings for the fan down,some nights i dont have it on,only the window opened,i'm a fresh air freak?
I'm a fresh air freak as well..
Here down south it is a lovely morning so far, sun shining sky blue. And yes it certainly is getting colder at night. I had my electric blanket on last night. also hubby felt cold and put the heating on for a couple of hours.
We're still in Sept and we don't normally switch these things on till Oct. Is it a warning of things to come?

Lovely in south west today, clear skies and sunshine. I agree it's getting colder at night but nowhere near putting the heating on yet. Extra layers first, and I'm another fresh air freak...
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my friend laughs at me cos'i still wear t shirts and she wears polo necks.
Question Author
veeeery dull here now,just waiting for the rain to start

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quite dull here

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