16a.Introduction to Charles Dicken's last novel for romantic light entertainment(12
11a.MacNab's vigilant,with spouse entertaining fashionable rake!(8)
13a.Bow left mark on shield(4,8) soft ..?
7d.Those vulgar idiots, the hoi polloi(3,6)
14d.Not yellow,but showing signs of age(2,7)
any help please?
Many thanks - think the masses may be right but dont think in tatters is right for 14d.Not yellow,but showing signs of age(2,7) only letter I have is ??,??I????
There isn't really a problem- it's still partly the result of user error surely. Even if google incorrectly takes someone into Weather they should see the Editor's message or see teh Topics list on the left and select teh correct Q&P category. Regular AB users must know how to enter AB without going via Google
Hi may-bell-09: I'm still puzzled.
Once you get into AB is there not a list of Topics on the left side of the screen?
Or couldn't you just google the AB home page- or does that take you to Weather too?
Once you are in the right place could you put it as a favourite.