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Where Are All The Mods Hiding Today ?

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Canary42 | 00:16 Sun 11th Oct 2015 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
I've reported a SPAM posting three times today, yet it's still there (No, I won't say where for obvious reasons).


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Yes, reports go to Eds. So if there are no Eds working then no action will be taken. Mods will delete spam only if they come across it. Presumably no mods were in the section where the spam you saw has lived all day.
01:33 Sun 11th Oct 2015
Be careful, you'll get a two week ban for mentioning the M word
The Ed and mods have lifes to live.

Do they ummm
mods don't get reports, only the Ed does. You'll have to wait till he gets back.
I know that at least one Mod has been very active on here today, but as he was so busy crossing swords with his long-time foe he might have missed the bigger picture.
I reported spam a few minutes ago and it's gone.
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Yes, it's gone now - you must be more influential Loon ;-)
Yes, reports go to Eds. So if there are no Eds working then no action will be taken.
Mods will delete spam only if they come across it. Presumably no mods were in the section where the spam you saw has lived all day.
I have to ask, why would you bother reporting whatever it was?
I agree Stuey. If it's spam then it should just be ignored. The only reason I can think of for reporting a post is if it offends the person reading it.

Could it be that all the Mods today have been in conference with the trolls under the rickety-rackety bridge in an attempt to create a rapprochement? Just a thought.
They are busy emptying their kitchen cupboards.
Of course. How obvious. That hadn't occurred to me.
// I've reported a SPAM posting three times today, //

hmm so its: SPAM ! SPAM ! and SPAM !

( hearking back to the Money Python sketch ... sozza I blame the pred I am on )

// (No, I won't say where for obvious reasons).//
because then they might find it ?

gets coat and leaves room
If it's spam then it should just be ignored.

all websites hate spam. They just don't need their pixels eaten up with people advertising their wares or people babbling about nothing. That's why there's a spam category to report things under.
Take spam seriously. Once they think you will open a link due to familiarity they will embed a virus if your protection is not sufficient. The lingo being used should be a warning, but the curious or unwary are more vulnerable than those of us who flag it up to sleepy ed.

'ow do :-)

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