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Should She Ask Permission

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Samuraisan | 17:36 Tue 13th Oct 2015 | ChatterBank
46 Answers
I'm a bit at loggerheads with Mr.Sam. I think my little granddaughter who is 5 , should ask if she can have a biscuit etc. and not just help herself. My OH thinks that she needn't. She comes around a lot, as they live 25 metres away, so it's not a special occasion when she's here. ( well it is, we love to have her, but I don't want to spoil her) What do you all think ?


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Thanks for all your comments. She actually is a polite little
Thing, she's only 5 so sometimes , in her excitement to
Tell me something forgets to say " hello" "good morning grandma " first, which I always pick her up with. But I agree, manners maketh the man ( or
Little girl in this case ) . And no, they do not live in our attic or cellar, but just around the corner. Aren't we the lucky ones !
No question that she should ask. It is only polite.
^^^^ Come to think of it I was raised to ask 'Please may I have a b-i-s-c-u-i-t' (or whatever the item was) from a very early age (younger than 5). It was Mum's way of encouraging politeness and spelling in one action and it worked. I did the same with my children - they are both polite and excellent spellers! Worth extending this - have a go! If you make it a bit of a game she'll love it!
I think its good she feels at home at her grandparents but think it still would be good to ask first.
I think it is manners to ask, instead of just helping herself. She is not actually living with you and should learn to ask politely for something where ever she goes.
I always asked as a child and my kids always asked and my 4 year old grand daughter always asks.
It's good manners imo.

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