I bought a compatible battery for my emachines e430 laptop and as it was quite cheap, it ran down quickly, I was forever charging it. Now I need another one. Where can I buy an emachines battery rather than a compatible? The Acer website is an 0871 number and is 13p a minite so anywhere else would be very much appreciated. Many thanks. Are Amazon worth a look?
Thanks pinky. I rang the 01484 number, they said they dont do spares... I had already looked up acerdirect on the sayno website and dialled the other number and it seemed to be someone's private line... The Amazon battery is a compatible. Help!!
I was almost given a load of e-systems batteries by PC world for the 8083 model some years ago. If it is compatible with your computer you can have one for the postage.
Jomifi that is very kind of you, sounds like could be a different model ... do you know if you have one for the correct model, which is e430, and how would I contact you?