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Well there's not really a lot that can be done. If he isn't taking care of himself he will be the one who will suffer in the long run. As Queenie has been finding out, a lot of her eye problems stem from her ignoring her diabetes for a long time in her teens and early twenties. She has accepted the fact that everything that has gone wrong with her health is down to her behaviour and is now more or less back on track. Taking part in the DAFNE course has helped her enormously as it frees her to more or less behave as someone without diabetes can, providing she eats sensibly and tailors her insulin to the carbohydrate content of what she eats and drinks. Her control is so much better and the glitch recently is due to her having had a really bad chest infection and little to do with her diabetes. She has realised that she has diabetes and not the diabetes that has her! Until your nephew is prepared to take better care of himself there's nothing to be done. Queenie has been diabetic since just before her third birthday and it was very hard to deal with back then as a toddler just wasn't able to understand why she couldn't be like her friends and eat sweets the same way they did.
Queenies Mum (Nungate)