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Should Turkish Citizens Be Given Unfettered Access To The Schengen Agreement Countries In Order To Secure...

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sandyRoe | 14:27 Fri 16th Oct 2015 | News
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...their governments cooperation in dealing with the flow of refugees coming to Europe from Turkey?


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Only if they give their fingerprints to the French !
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That should have been, 'through Turkey', rather than 'from Turkey'.
I have always believed that Turkey have been badly treated by the rest of the EU. They are criticised with regard to Human Rights yet we suck up to the Saudis and Mugabe.Saudis swan in and out of this country and buy what they want. The EU were not critical when their air bases were used by coalition forces to bomb Iraq.
At least the Muslim Turks are'nt anti British like the lot we already have living off us here.
For the most part I find the Turks to be quite industrious and might be beneficial to the UK and Europe unlike the current mob that are getting in to the UK.
Unfortunately Retro its not the Turks who will be emigrating, its the refugees.
Give them Turkish citizenship and they'll be over the border like a rat up a drainpipe.
It will be bad enough if and when turkey gets into the eussr...
Turkey should stay out the EUSSR and form an alliance with us !!
OK. Misunderstood. A means to an end to get rid of refugees. No way.
We should have no dealings with Erdogan, he is an Islamist at heart and a despot by nature.
The bombing of Turkish citizens in Ankara last week, probably orchestrated by Erdogan's regime shows what an evil bunch they are.
Dangling a carrot about extending Schengen to include Turks is disingenuous to them, and a misuse of the spirit of the treaty.
You only really need to read this bit:

“The draft said the EU would provide up to 1 billion euros ($1.1 billion) for this year and next to help Turkey cope with some 2.2 million Syrian and Iraqi refugees as well as further funding. Some refugees would have a chance to resettle from Turkey to Europe.”

So, two billion quid (and some) for Turkey to help them solve the problem on an invasion of Europe via their nation. And at the end of that “some” refugees will have a chance to move to Europe.

Of course the Prime Minister’s unspecified “negotiations” in the run up to the promised referendum will no doubt cover this latest move to shift ever more people from the Middle East to Europe, so we need not worry. I’m off now to Biggin Hill to see a squadron of pigs take off for the Battle of Britain sites.
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In recent times there has been a proliferation of Turkish barbers and kebab shops in Belfast. I hope they're not familiar with the Sweeny Todd story.
I thought this was a serious thread, but the OP is obviously just here for weak jokes.
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Let Turkey join the EU and let us vote to depart the EU, Happy Days. :-)
Retro advocated Turkey's admission to the EU, Birdie. Same as I did twenty years ago. However Erdogan's Turkey is not the Turkey of Kemal Attaturk. Today's Turkey has a majority of ignorant Islamists. What a pity secular sophisticated and educated Turks didn't breed as fast as their bolt-through-the-neck compatriots.
When did Turkey become a European country ? I have always thought that it was not in Europe,and my Geography master was pretty good at his job.
Sick man of europe
"the EU would provide up to 1 billion euros ($1.1 billion) for this year and next to help Turkey cope with some 2.2 million Syrian and Iraqi refugees " - ha ha someone is going to get rich!

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