These are all European(but not UK) towns and cities. Some clues are a bit iffy eg Schedule a lie in = book a rest = Bucharest. 1)Carried in a car for punctures, 10 maybe. 2) Mountainous area of Germany. 3) French threesome. 4) Injury picked up during a grilling. 5) Ill ant's ill, fed with Nitrogen. 6) Confused a strange latin quintet. 7) More than 24 hours in the making. 8) Home of the unfortunate tiger rider. 9) Throw out a purge. 10) Weatherfield proprietor. 11) Seen proverbially with little Dafydd
8 is Riga. "There was a young lady of Riga, Who went for a ride on a tiger. They came back from the ride, With the lady inside, And a smile on the face of the tiger".
Thanks all. Obvious when you see them!, though never heard of the tiger rider. Why do you think Brittany (actually thats an area rather than a town) Drafty? Keep them coming folks!
Thanks Janet. I've been trying to work in jack somehow. How do you get the related to Gelert bit? Bavaria is an area rather then a town, so I don't think thats it. I'd thought of Tallin as well David, but couldn't quite make the clue work. Where does the S go for an anagram? Keep them coming!
Punctuation is often used in crosswords to confuse. Here, the s is just to show ILL ANT is ill, ie mixed up, plus N for nitrogen's symbol. So here, the s isn't part of the anagram, but part of the clue.