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out for lunch...

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kazzianne | 08:29 Sun 14th May 2006 | Food & Drink
5 Answers
If you could go absolutely anywhere for lunch today where would you go? Typical Sunday Roast ? An Indian reasaurant? Chinese......?


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Le Petit Ferme, Franschoek, SA. Gorgeous food and a fabulous view. Well, you did say we could go anywhere

Why go out ? 2 slices of sild on wholemeal toast with chilli sauce, and a Budweiser or 2, watching the Spanish Grand Prix - heaven !

i think i might stop at home with a tuna salad and a glass of wine, or it might be a bottle, and watch the tennis final between Nadal and Federer, all those muscles what more could you want.
...picnic on the beach

To my mammy's for a lovely roast chicken dinner and yummy pud. Unfortunately she is many miles from me.

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out for lunch...

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