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Irony Of Adoption

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jennyjoan | 00:15 Thu 22nd Oct 2015 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
I have a friend who was adopted maybe about 3 years old - she decided to find out who she was like that programme. It is turned out she is the illegitimate child of my next door's neighbour's aunt. Her mother is dead now but has a step sister - isnt it a strange world.


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Depends on your perspective I suppose.
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what do you mean by perspective
Adoption can certainly have its stranger points.

I used to teach two brothers, David and Simon. Their parents were both tall, slim and highly intelligent. David was also tall, slim and highly intelligent, with obvious physical similarities to both his parents. Simon was short, chubby and 'one of life's plodders', with no similarity at all to either of his parents.

But it was Simon who was their natural son, and David who was the adopted one!
I, too, know of an adopted son who is the image of his adoptive father. Seeing the striking resemblance, nobody ever questions the true relationship.
maybe the father had 'played away' and was in fact the real dad - it has happened.

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