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waterboatman | 22:14 Mon 26th Oct 2015 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
A 15 year old boy in Antrim, Northern Ireland has been arrested for hacking the talktalk computer system.


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Someone should give him a job, he's obviously very clever.
Reminds me of a case where applicants for an IT job were given an exam, and were told that the one with the most points would get the job. Instead of sitting down and filling in the answers, one of the applicants hacked the company's system and awarded himself full marks.
He got the job.
I am not in the least bit surprised by a 15 year old being able to do this. I am nearly 63 and I can't even tune my telly in without the assistance of my 15 year old nephew !

Makes you proud to be British !

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