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does anyone know if orange-gnome got a bird?

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barry&betty | 10:54 Sun 14th May 2006 | Animals & Nature
6 Answers
i was searching google for kakariki info and stumbled across orange-gnome thinking about getting a kakriki. just wondering if anyone knows if orange-gnome got one or not. we have 2 and thought if they had got one how they were getting on


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Orange get in here and answer their question......they are always flipping around the web......JK..... LOL

You might find Orange at

If you are trying to get ahold of a different Orange then ignore my first post...thank you....carry on...
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i'll try this see if it's same person. thanx v much
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u taking the mick out of me drgnrdr!!! hey i'm new to this site i gotta look at everything!! it makes me feel intelligent (something that don't happen often!!) if i can answer a question on here. how do u know where i been u checking up on me?!

No I see Orange on the other place, and it's their place so figure it might be but don't know them as "orange gnome" only Orange. I am not sure what the mick is, or what you might be asking about I know where you been? You guys speak some strange english....LOL...HA HA

Welcome to never know what your gonna get in here. But everyone is entitled to an opinion, and it may not agree with yours, but they still have a right to have one...I guys have the rights of "freedom of speech" over there? I am curious.

HI....been away a while...sorry!
I did get a kakariki.... called her Puku (pronounced like cuckoo but with a P and maori for 'tummy' : ) ) she is a lovely, a great little bird, mine was parent- reared which has worked out really well, she came toilet trained by her parents which is brilliant...only had her a few weeks and still working on hand taming her though only downside of parent reared birds.
There is a brilliant site at with forums of kak owners to ask questions and the like which you migh tfind useful.

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does anyone know if orange-gnome got a bird?

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