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What A Waste Of Money!

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Tilly2 | 21:52 Sat 31st Oct 2015 | ChatterBank
54 Answers
How am I supposed to deal with fun bags of Maltesers, Buttons and Twix?
Not one trick or treater!
Flippin' heck.

You can bet your bottom dollar, that if I'd not bought anything, we would have been inundated.



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Did you children enjoy the evening, Sher? Have they now got a big stockpile of sweets and chocolates?
The ghost of an angry customer me thinks, B00. So have a second thought next time you feel like peeing one of your lovely customers off ;-)
I only took the three youngest (eldest was revising - bless him) and boy #2 was allowed to go out with his friend. Think they were a but disheartened by how quiet it was (they're not particularly bothered about the treats, it's going out in the dark, etc that they like).
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.....all the dressing up...!
I didn't buy in any sweets for callers, my children and neighbours told me it was all house parties now and onto hallowe'en family friendly, spooktacular programmes run throughout the county including fireworks and bonfires. All quiet here, not one caller on our street. I'll wait until tomorrow to see photos of my grandchildren
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Things have changed then?
can't remember who sent me this, tony?

It could sum Coop up though in terms of imagination but then there is the liability - Imagine if some cussie had a heart way would this happen in an Asda, with their American owners.
One area that used to be really into Halloween was very quiet, maybe their children are older now so they don't bother.
When my children first start bringing their children around, they'd have stocked up my cupboard with goodies, so I've never wasted money on treats this past while.
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That's good DTC. Thank you. :-)
LOL like it, DT. No couldn't see a Walmart owned shop doing that, think of all the compo claims !.
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No little witches and warlocks about, so it's time for bed. Goodnight all.
G'night, Yilly.
None round here last night, most unusual. I didn't know that about lantern lights.

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