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What Would You Do?

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TWR | 11:29 Tue 03rd Nov 2015 | ChatterBank
58 Answers
Our local "WHAT WAS " paper shop has now began selling everything that a Mini Market sells, the big difference this shop has reduced the passage with various items in the way such as Booze, a fridge, it is becoming a obstacle course, I was asking the staff what the thought & they agreed with me 100%, one staff member took me into the back of the shop to see the amount of room they had to work in, it was unbelievable , I commented where is the CCTV as the store room was about 60ft through 2 doors from the till, none, I said what would happen if you fell over badly & hurting yourself ( Hard luck was their answer) what would do?


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Jack hat, the owner then has a duty of care to the person on the shop, even it is is the owner themself.
They need to ensure that the person if working alone has reasonable access to the means of being safe.
Think of it the other way -why should they NOT have the means to be safe - from fire or from attack.
If it were you, your child or your friend in that position, would you want them to be at risk?
It isn't actually a big ask, it's just a question of humans being decent to humans.
Enjoy lunch TWR - made my tum rumble!
I trust that anyone manning the till will be near a FE....i.e. the entrance door.
If there are no rear exit doors, then any potential assailant *has* to come through the front door and will be on CCTV.....
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Already done Mosiac, I think a lot of the staff & their safety.
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There is a front entrance 3/4 normal glass, rear door not a fire door, no other F.E.
But there *is* a rear that will be the route of exit in case of fire, then...
ease of exit is a bit more complicated than 'having a fire door' There has to be clear access to at least one exit - no boxes piled up or fridges in the way etc. The difference between burning to a crisp and falling over and breaking your leg is the shop keeper could go to prison for the former, but only ordered to pay compensation for the latter (thats why you get liability insurance)
I hope you're going to give the cafe's kitchen the 'once over' before you eat, TW.
A report to the fire safety officer at your local fire station as suggested is the way to go. They will do a fire safety inspection, they can close the shop if it is unsafe.
I can just imagine the poor old shopkeepers in TW's town, 'Quick, he's coming, get that closed sign up'. Lol. ;D
From the highly detailed description of the inside of the premises one could be forgiven thinking that TWR was "casing the joint".
This gang mentality on AB is both tedious and infantile.
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wow divebuddy -how did you get that line through those words?
What gang is that, then, retro?
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Take your pick......
divebuddy I'm just off to pile the contents of my stock room in the front of the shop and invite you lot around for a party....;-)

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