Body & Soul6 mins ago
Should The Bbc
2 Answers
be goading, or gloating about, a private independent self financing concern on the licence fee payers behalf?
http:// www.msn .com/en -gb/new s/uknew s/itv-e xecutiv es-crit icise-a rrogant -bbc-as -news-a t-ten-r ow-esca lates/a r-BBmP2 z8?li=A AaeUIW& amp;oci d=spart andhp
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our's not unusual for companies to announce that their product has been rated number one, that their groceries are cheaper than Tesco's and so on. I can't see anything very immoral in a BBC news anchor (note that he is NOT the BBC) doing the same.
It's not the way the polite BBC did things in the 1930s, but the world has changed since then and self-promotion is now the name of the game.
It's not the way the polite BBC did things in the 1930s, but the world has changed since then and self-promotion is now the name of the game.