The following questions are all connected to 'islands'. Any help will be appreciated.
1. Embrace Brian without the group present (9)
2. Fish for reverse affirmative (8)
3. Male head gear sprayed on (9)
4. Impossible to get to (12)
5. Biscuits and whiskey galore (7)
6. The bride said no! (8)
7. Traumas (7)
8. Not a good vocalist we hear (9)
9. Angry cooker left a mark (10)
10. Home of egg producers? (5, 6)
A pity they cannot be named and shamed and disqualified from the competition, but no doubt they will de devious enough to find a loophole, but it's not fair to those who first try, then call when they are stuck, which is good thing about AB - helping others. Goodness, I sound like I'm preaching.