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'Flipping' fish

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kelly010601 | 22:09 Mon 15th May 2006 | Home & Garden
6 Answers
Can anyone tell me why our fish in our pond 'flip' out of the water similar to dolphins? This happens mainly early in the morning and early evening. They are only carp and goldfish (approx 12" length) but they sound like Orca when they do it!!!


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i always wondered this too (obviously not about your fish but just in general) as i don't think they are trying to catch flys or anything - I came to the pleasing idea that they didn't know where the surface of the water is (well they prob can't see it can they) so when swimming upward very quickly sometimes they over shoot the mark and go flying out! (i hope my made up theory is right - but accept that is unlikely)
I think its to do with breeding, I've often seen carp leaping at this time of year.
Possibly trying to rid themselves of ticks

A couple of possible answers for you

1) the have a parasite infection and are trying to rid (itch) themselves of them

2) poor water conditions...especially high ammonia and/or nitrite

3) because they do jump for the sake of it !!!

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Thankyou all for your advice/replys. I have tested 'my water' (and as a non-drinker its fine!) and my PH/Nitrite levels are acceptable. I will check for parasites but what am I looking for & where? Are they likely to be on the tail, gills and what colour/size would they be? Does anyone know where they come from in the first place?

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'Flipping' fish

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