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Horrible Morning Here

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TWR | 09:18 Tue 10th Nov 2015 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
After a day of rain rain rain & by back yards getting flooded, what was the Weather like your part of the Country?


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It's okay at the moment. Still very mild.
The weather here is usualy raining, if it's not raining, then it soon will be
wet, windy and horrible and lots more of the same on the way. Oh joy...
It was lovely walking weather here, this morning.
Not too hot, not too cold, not too damp, not too windy. The wind's picked up now, though.
Have been on the allotment all morning .. still tee shirt and shorts for me.
Just up the road from Jan .. windy but haven't seen any rain though ?
alava... it's on it's way over to you. Stand by... xx
Very very warm though. Still not had the heating on this winter and all windows are open at the moment.
I've just put more washing out.

Risky, but it's warm and windy.

If it starts to rain I will leg it outside.

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Horrible Morning Here

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