I too saw it as a bit of a hatchet job. "Oh,so you're successful...well,we'll take you down a peg".
I just had a little Google as I'm positive I've read that fruit and veg are the exception in food labeling. I found this from bristol.gov.uk...
//What is the law?
Nearly all pre-packed foodstuffs are required to be marked with either a 'best before' or 'use by' date. The exceptions to this rule are fresh fruit and vegetables, wine, alcohol, vinegar, salt and sugar//
It shows that the consumer *can* be trusted to make their own decisions as to the freshness of the food they buy. It's laughable putting a best before or use by on root veg like carrots...when they can and often are stored for months.
Last night's program will not influence me. I pick and choose where I buy according to who has what I want. That won't change.