Hi does anyone have any view on indoor heated clothes driers, ie vaue for mon & where to buy the best most running costs etc & where to buy the most effective ones for a small flat.
The whole picture is necessary to give appropriate advice. eg does your washing machine have a fast spin? Is there space in your flat for a clothes airer (foldable sort)? How might the landlord view a hole in the wall for a vented tumble drier - would the noise of a condenser drier do your head in?
All in all I find great satisfaction from a standard fast spin washing machine plus clothes airer situated near a plug-in oil-filled radiator. The latter have a good safety record and can be left on a low heat so overheating isn't an issue.
I loved it, but sadly I broke the darned thing and haven't got round to replacing it. It does need to be in a ventilated room though as janbee says, the condensation otherwise is awful. It also can't do a massive load all at once- the air won't circulate properly. But where having a machine to dry your clothes isn't possible, it's a Godsend.
Heat/warmth isn't necessary to dry clothes. (Clothes will dry outside on a cold day as long as it's windy).
I know someone who dries clothes in the spare bedroom when necessary....window wide open, fan blowing fast aimed towards clothes - so they flap about. Two advantages in this method - it's cheap and the moisture doesn't build up inside, so minimizes condensation.