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John Lewis Christmas Advert

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anthro-nerd | 16:54 Wed 11th Nov 2015 | ChatterBank
19 Answers

Loving the new advert this year, but not sure if its as good as previous years? What has been people's favourites?


Too early to say Merry Christmas?!


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I've only seen this once. Lovely.
I love it, we've had some chat on this already.

Happy Christmas!
This is going the rounds on Facebook. I actually like the ad.

John Lewis spent £7,000,000 producing an advert about the elderly receiving nothing at Christmas. Imagine if they instead spend £7,000,000 ensuring that every elderly person gained something this Christmas. I know which I'd prefer.
maggiebee, there are approximately 11.5 million over 65s in this country. £7 million shared between them wouldn't get them a lot - and that's before administration costs.
It does seem an amazing amount to spend, let's hope the awareness message gets through.

Page to donate here....
I am always bemused by the excitement of the release of the JL Christmas ads, I have yet to find one that isn't a load of sentimental clap trap.

As to the message in this years, I would have completely missed it had I not read about it. Surely a web address for Help the Aged or whatever would have given it a little more purpose?
Eccles...I'm always bemused that people on here take notice of ANY ads. We always "mute" and do something useful/worthwhile during ads. I never understand why people are so interested in their chosen programme that bad that they relish the ads appearing?
Ginge, much of my TV viewing is done on demand or from recording so there are either no ads or the option to FF through them. Live TV means I get the opportunity to go to the loo or refresh my glass when the ads come on.

I did watch this one as I had read about it and was curious, once was enough for me though.
Apparantly this ad has a message - but I only found that out from an article in the papers!

As for the advert its self, I've only seen it once, and once was enought, as its so wrong!

With the telescope the girl has, she wouldn't see so close in to the moons surface, and with the telescope the man gets he'd see even less.

All that on top of the fact there's no atmosphere on the moon, and no ballons would escape the Earth and make it all the way to the moon.

Its just so wrong!
But imagination is so right ;-)
Yes. Far too early to say Merry Christmas.

There's always a Dark Side to these adverts!

It's lovely, it brought tears to my eyes, at least I thought that's what it was, until I realised the Dog was standing on my foot!
I think the spoofs and remixes are good too - am sure they've donated kindly to Age UK as well.
I find it strange that there is no mention of Age UK at the end of the advert - they've partnered up to make this advert and raise awareness but I think the message could be stronger and clearer so that people would know what it was for, and so that they donate as well.

Maybe I'm just being picky, but did everyone know that this was for age awareness just by watching the advert? I'm not sure I would have if I hadn't heard about it in the media first.

I do like the advert though - however I liked last year's better.
It's another example of premature Xmas ad nonsense.
Very arty I guess. But the perfume ads have that market cornered. (Well they and the occasional Guinness ad.)
Still, one can always go make the tea during each ad break.
Show someone they are loved this Christmas ? Would it not having been better showing the old man getting into a balloon rocket and floating back to earth to share xmas with the family? Instead it seems to give the message "Send the old granddad a gift (bought fro John Lewis obviously) and that will shut him up about coming over for Xmas"
I haven't noticed the John Lewis ad. I'm bothered about the fact that we've just finished summer and now I have to think about Christmas already. Please, can I have time to think and relax?

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John Lewis Christmas Advert

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