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Couldn't Happen To A Nicer Chap...

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ToraToraTora | 08:56 Fri 13th Nov 2015 | News
20 Answers
Still, no doubt his F0_J mates will be here soon mourning for him eh.


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how can they be so sure ? ..would be a good result if true ! at least with Bin Laden there was definite proof byway of video footage..I am afraid there is an element of "they all look the same to me " in it for me personally
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I never look at the sub heading OG. Silly to have them really.
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Well, I'd be happy if the septics captured him but if we had captured him there'd be ooman rites lawyers all over it and he'd get government funded flat in Knightsbridge! On balance , although it's quicker than I would have liked, it's better that he's brown bread now to save all the agro.
hi Chilli x
Hello minty, hope you and the gang are in fine fettle.
:o) xx
"high degree of certainty"

hmmm...can but hope its true but I think something a bit more positive is going to be needed as proof
Please point out who actually backs Jihadists...

If you can't then please stop saying it. Tiresome and boring!!
Over the years there have been quite a few AB posters who appear to sympathize with terrorists.

Why do you find someone elses view tiresome and boring, unless you feel it is directed at you?

Personally I'm glad he has gone. Just a pity we had to leave it to the Septics to tidy up our mess whilst we pander to the right-on liberal left.
I hope it's true but I'd like proof.
Not sure how much of someone is left after being hit by a hellfire. Couple of thumbs maybe?
One pig less, a lot to follow with the help of the drones.
I have always thought that it was in extremely bad taste to "Christen" this murderous individual with an almost humorous alliterative sobriquet similar to Mickey Mouse or Desperate Dan.
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if the cap fits ummmm, they know who they are, usual crowd of anti British who always take the side of our enemies. You are a regular in news you know.
///if we had captured him there'd be ooman rites lawyers all over it and he'd get government funded flat in Knightsbridge! ///

Now there's an anti-British statement if ever I saw one. A purely hypothetical situation then interpreted to suit propaganda.
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No Canary just exasperation as to what you and your mates have done to us.

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