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I Think Abigail Has Arrived In Essex...

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cupid04 | 14:52 Fri 13th Nov 2015 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Was as calm as anything a few moments ago, now it's blowing hooligan ;-(


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Still quite calm here in East Sussex but I don't think the hooley is too far away. Prepare to batten down the hatches.

You can have it, we're clinging on to a bit of sunshine atm.
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Baldric, you have an atm ...give us a hundred pounds then ;-)

Need your Pin Number first Cupid!
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Just wait until tomorrow night, Cupid!

The current wind speed in Sarfend is around 20mph. Tomorrow evening it's expected to be around 45mph. (It's much the same for East Anglia as a whole)
We have sunshine here, but there is a wind, not a hooley yet though.

And now the wind is picking up,
Still freakishly calm here in East Sussex. Calm before the storm ?
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Soz, was just a squall, tapered off now, must have been them beans I had!
We have 'A Big Gale' In West Yorkshire howling down the chimney and the windows are getting a wash equal to that of a jet-wash.
It has been windy, rainy, sunny and chilly. Normal weather then!
Abigail arriving in Essex and blowing a hooligan has conjured up all sorts of images in my mind........
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Please elaborate...we're not all mind-readers ;-)
... blowing a hooligan is the key phrase here. Modesty forbids me from elaborating.
No sign of her here in Swansea (yet)

Lots of rain and general miserableness but that Wales in November for you !

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