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Winter Fuel Allowance

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whistonian | 11:14 Fri 13th Nov 2015 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Anyone know if this is being paid out this year.?


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I believe it is.
Yes, just got my confirmation letter today.
Will be in my bank by the end of November.
I am sure it was paid earlier in previous years.
Yes, I had to phone to claim mine and was told 9 December.
Do you get extra if the temperature dips past a certain point for several days or is that only for other benefit claimants?
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Thanks guys,I had already received mine by this time last year.Expect I shall be getting a letter shortly.
Retro , If you qualify for the winter fuel payment you also get the 'severe weather payment' ,£25 for a period of 7 consecutive days when the average temperature is under 0 deg C.
Thanks for that confirmation.I seem to recall a mate telling me that a year or two back but because he is entitled to shed loads of benefits I wondered who is eligible.
I hope we don't qualify for it this year !!! :-)
Eddie, you have to be on a low income to qualify.
Unless things have changed since last winter you are mistaken, Eddie.
You have to be in receipt of means tested benefits such as pension credit to get the severe weather payment.
Being eligible for the Winter Fuel Payment which is paid to everyone born after 5th Jan 1953 is not enough.

Danny, is that link @ 11:19 the same for the UK Mainland?
Don't you mean before, hc?
Ok, we qualify on pension credit and on my wife's DLA.
hope so Jackdaw, the country would be bankrupt
Ooops. Sorry. Of course it is everyone born BEFORE ....
Eddie, even getting DLA is not enough to qualify - you've qualified on the pension credit alone

Sorry danny,I only asked 'cause it's got 'NI' Gov on it
Mine was in the bank this morning !

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Winter Fuel Allowance

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