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Do Some Posts On Ab Make You Scratch Your Head?

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Tilly2 | 22:19 Mon 16th Nov 2015 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
They makes me realise just how much I don't know.

I am happy to learn, though.


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"Does your dog have fleas?"
Gets me every time :-)
Sometimes I wonder what a question is all about. I often leave it and go back later to see if it has become any clearer.
Jackdaw means tabby cats Tilly.
the most challenging question on AB has to be '' what are you having for dinner.tea.supper? ''
Not just the questions, some of the answers leave me bewildered too.
do some posts make you tear your hair ?

yeah on a daily basis to be honest

like when for the 200th time someone says 'seriously tho' why dont we arrest the suspects and then go on and shoot them without trial ? that would stop their cyber attacks '

or hahaha ' why didnt s/o go and ARREST Jihadi John and hand him over for trial - I mean it is only the costs of a taxi to Syria and I would be prepared to pay ( part ) ? '

or ....
// Sometimes I wonder what a question is all about.//.

journos and hacks call this the 'back story'
and some of the back stories to the legal questions need to be read to be believed ! ( believe me ! )

the fella who wants to leave skool early I think is a troll
very articulate for someone who wants to drop out ....
as anyone who has attempted to talk to a teenager will certify

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