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Barsel | 17:06 Mon 16th Nov 2015 | Phrases & Sayings
4 Answers
Was there a comic who used to say 'We can't have that there here?'x


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There was a song called "You can't do that there here." It's on this CD. Could that be connected to your catchphrase?
17:18 Mon 16th Nov 2015
There was a song called "You can't do that there here." It's on this CD. Could that be connected to your catchphrase?
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Thanks bookbinder. I'm not sure to be honest, but it's possible.I'll have a look to see if I can find it as a song. I'd only been looking for it as a catchphrase. x
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Yes I think this is probably it.It's something that my Dad used to say (back in the day) Thanks again bookbinder. x
Glad I could help!

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